Eyes are the most important organs in a human torso, one morning when I woke up and struggled to widely open them as they were partially closed; it hit home badly that I could be getting blind.
The thought of not being able to see was bitter, depressing and a daunting experience. Back at tertiary I was so obsessed with contact lenses that I saw myself wearing them that's until my side-kick discouraged and warned me; ''Mina angazi ngoba amehlo akuyona into yokudlala'' (I don't know; because eyes aren't something you can toy with) he said. From then onwards I never wanted anything coming near my eyes.
At some point in my life, I encountered a physical accident and later learned that I had a fracture. During this period where I nursed my injuries I came face to face with not being able to use certain parts of my body to their maximum, it was then that I realised how precious each and every organ in a soul's body can be.
The incident with my eye was questionable as there were no visible uppercut or a blue-eye as a result of bumping into something or maybe got beaten. It was swollen, teary and a bit itching and I had to seek medical advice. It came as a relief when it was confirmed that it was nothing to be worried about as I might have consumed something that went against my system as I am allergic to certain food, how ignorant I could have been I wondered...
Is an inflammation of the tissue lining the eyelids (conjunctiva) due to a reaction from allergy-causing substances such as pollen and dander.
When your eyes are exposed to anything to which you are allergic, histamines is released and the blood vessels in the conjunctiva become swollen (the conjunctiva is the clear membrane that covers the 'white' of the eye). Reddening of the eyes develops quickly and is accompanied by itching and tearing.
Allergies tend to run in the families, although no obvious mode of inheritance is recognized. The incidence of allergy is difficult to determine, because many different conditions are often lumped under the term 'allergy'. Keep in mind that rubbing the eyes makes the situation worse.
* Red eyes
* Intense itching or burning eyes
* Puffy eyelids, especially in the morning
* Tearing (watery eyes)
* Stringy eye discharge
* Dilated vessels in the clear tissue covering the white of the eye.
The best treatment is avoiding exposure to the cause or allergen. Unfortunately, this is not often practical. Discomfort can be relieved by applying cool compresses to the eyes or taking antihistamines by mouth (many of these are available over the counter)
If home-care measures do not help, treatment by the health care provider may be necessary. This may include:
* Antihistamine or anti-inflammatory drops that are placed in the eye;
* Mild eye steroid preparations applied directly on the surface of the eye (for severe reactions);
* Eye drops that prevent certain white blood cells called mast cells from releasing histamine; these drops are given in combination with antihistamines for moderate to severe reactions.
OUTLOOK (Prognosis)
Treatment usually relieves the symptoms. However, the condition tends to recur if exposure to the offending agent continues.
There are no serious complications, persistent discomfort is common.
Prevention of allergic conjunctivis is best accomplished by avoiding the allergen, if it is known. In many cases, however, this is impossible since the allergy-causing agents are everywhere nearly all the time.
#Additional_info: vision.about.com
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