Thursday, July 28, 2011

Print versus Digital media

Media as it is known is an informative, educating and entertaining field and with times come change. The industry has grown over the years and continues to do so, it is also noted that technology has brought about change in this field and as such we have seen numerous media houses adapting to change in a sense that they aren't left behind in comparison to competitors.

I am so glad that I grew up in an environment where newspaper and a magazine were the order of the day; I can't help but realize advantages such setup brought.

Today we have online news subscription which is convenient but print was and still is my preferred choice; Though online media save time but it is relatively known to be unreliable with hacks taking place every second you blink while with print it's a different take altogether.

The introduction of Media 24s tabloid, Daily Sun back in 2002 set the scene alight giving Sowetan a run for its moolah. Initially the paper was seen as a gossip mouth-piece as its content was somehow unbelievable (e.g witchcraft, tokoloshe, etc) but it has managed to polish itself and aligned to a point that even an illiterate can be home with it; which was a first in the country.

From the early days of its inception to the late 90s Sowetan enjoyed a free role as it had absolutely no competition that's until ''The People's Paper'' came along and changed all that which led to its regional branches closure.

During my tertiary days as a media student a certain newspaper called ''This Day'' headed by Justice Malala hit the shelves and I still remember vividly when I laid my eyes on it I told my mates that it won't stand the test of time and rise against all odds, the reason being it was a duplicate of an already existing daily paper and my sentiments were proven right as it ceased to exist.

We have ample daily newspapers which carries serious news that people can relate to and I'm saying this with an ordinary person on the streets in mind as weekend papers are mostly about gossip but I would like to see the introduction of citizen journalism where communities are fully in charge maybe just maybe news will not be biased and the mentality will be broader.

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