Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Take Control – You are what you think (by Motsumi Mathe)

At a book launch which was exclusive as it was accessible per invite saw moi being fortunate to be one of those to graze it. The dooh which was held on the weekend at the lavish Riviera on Vaal Hotel and County Lodge didn’t disappoint. In a room full of strangers the only recognised faces for me were that of Sedibeng Executive Mayor Mahole Simon Mofokeng with her entourage and CAF Executive Member Molefi Oliphant. The book which consists of five chapters relate about-: How the mind works, the value of introspection, get up & do something, you have the key and the don’ts. It is not a novel (which you can read for your kids around a brazier as it was a norm back in the days) but a reference one can relate to on a daily basis. The book make for an interesting read in a fast-paced world where technology has taken over and reading or print is seemingly fading i must say you need not be a bookworm to go through a chapter or two. It is motivating and makes one to appreciate being alive irrespective of the circumstance they find themselves in. It was not surprising when an author whose book was also launched on the same night spitted fire about how his manuscript was rejected for the umpteenth time before it was published and the utterance by the Managing Director at Writes Associates Morakabe Seakhoa when reciting an incident which took place where a budding author wrote to a publisher and the response read like so “dear author, i am sitting in the loo while reading your book, note that when I’m done it will be behind me” was harsh but a reality. If you want to learn about how to set goals and go after them, coming to understand the importance of resilience and ability to accept change, move out of your comfort zone through adopting one of the creative approaches and how to align your actions and needs to achieve personal success then the book is a must-have as it gives you the ability to take charge of your mental, behavioural and emotional programming. In a nutshell, it enables you to ‘Take Control’ of your life. Below is a piece taken from the book and is badly written, it is said that should you be able to read it then you are a genius as your mind came to your rescue, you decide. EXTRACT FROM THE BOOK Aoccdrning to rscheearch at an Elingsh uinervtisy, it deosn’t mttaer in what order the ltteers in a word are, only that the frist and lsat ltteres are at the rghit pcleas. The rset can be a total mses and you can still raed it wouthit a porbelm. This is bcuseae we do not raed ervey lteter by ilstef, but the word as a wlohe. The book is retailing at R100 at exclusive book stores nationwide

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